Veterans/VA Chiropractic Care
Chiropractic Care for Veterans
Now Offering Chiropractic Care to Veterans
Chiropractic services are part of the standard Medical Benefits Package available to all eligible Veterans. Similar to other specialties, access to VA chiropractic services is by referral from a VA primary care or specialty provider. VA provides these services on-site at one or more VA facilities in each Veterans Integrated Service Network (VISN). VA facilities that do not have on-site chiropractic clinics provide these services via the VA Community Care Program or other community care mechanisms.
Can I see the Doctors at Camelot Chiropractic Centre and have the VA Cover the costs?
Community Care Overview – VA provides care to Veterans through community providers when VA cannot provide the care needed. Community care is based on specific eligibility requirements, availability of VA care, and the needs and circumstances of individual Veterans.
Why Camelot Chiropractic Centre in Knightdale or Camelot Chiropractic North in Raleigh?
Our doctors have decades of experience working with the VA, Our Veterans, and chronic pain patterns that develop from Trauma, Repetitive Stress or just life.
We offer Manual Chiropractic adjustments, Physical rehab, Spinal decompression, Soft tissue treatments, and instrument Adjusting if needed. Our goal is to get you to heal better without medicine or surgery.
Sounds Great! What do I need to do?
Speak to your Doctor and get a referral to Camelot Chiropractic Centre through the VA Community Care Program today!
- VA’s Chiropractic Program exemplifies the Department’s forward-looking approach to healthcare. Chiropractic services include evidence-based, patient-centered care options that are in high demand by Veterans and routinely requested by VA physicians. Use of VA chiropractic services continues to grow at a rapid rate particularly for Veterans from Operation Enduring Freedom/Operation Iraqi Freedom/Operation New Dawn, pain management, and older Veteran populations. VA’s delivery of chiropractic care is the most comprehensive integration of these services into any major United States healthcare system.
Chiropractic care is available to all eligible Veterans as part of the standard Medical Benefits Package.
Services are provided on-station at most major medical centers and some outpatient clinics.
Chiropractic care is also provided through Care in the Community.
Veterans Served
VA chiropractic care is associated with decreased use of opioids for chronic pain in Veterans. VA chiropractic services are used by Veterans across the continuum of care, yet there is particular value in populations with a high prevalence of musculoskeletal conditions such as Women Veterans, older adults, and OEF/ OIF/OND Veterans.
VA DCs provide diagnosis and management consistent with both VA and external evidence-based guidelines. Treatment options include active rehabilitation, spinal manipulation and other manual therapies, and patient education. VA DCs may also provide acupuncture or other novel therapies as nonpharmacologic options for Veteran care.
Use of chiropractic services and the chiropractic workforce in VA have grown substantially over more than a decade since their introduction. (J Manipulative Physiol Ther 2016;39:381-386)
Share this with your Doctor!! Non Medication treatment, ie, chiropractic care, is great for Vets.
Non-pharmacological Treatment of Army Service Members with Chronic Pain Is Associated with Fewer Adverse Outcomes After Transition to the Veterans Health Administration.
J Gen Intern Med . 2020 Mar;35(3):775-783. doi: 10.1007/s11606-019-05450-4. Epub 2019 Oct 28.
“Chronic pain is a well-established risk factor for suicide ideation and suicide attempts, as well as for opioid use disorder and opioid-related overdose, especially in the presence of already existing substance use disorder.”
“Our results suggest that non-pharmacological treatments provided to active duty service members with chronic pain may reduce their odds of long-term adverse outcomes. Given known associations of these adverse outcomes with morbidity and mortality, providing NPT to service members with chronic pain could potentially save lives.”
“Our results provide further support for the role of non-pharmacological treatments as a risk mitigation strategy when long-term opioid therapy is initiated, which is only briefly mentioned in the VA/DoD Clinical Practice Guideline for Opioid Therapy for Chronic Pain.”
New Patient Special
ONLY $47
($285 value)
Camelot Chiropractic Centre has been providing family wellness and custom tailored chiropractic care to the Knightdale, NC community for over 15 years. Whether you need a non-medicinal solution for your pain or wish to maintain a healthy body, our team is always here to help!